One Step Recruitment is proud to announce that are through to the next stage of the Somerset Business Awards in the ‘Skills for Growth’ Category 2016.
This award recognises businesses that have not only invested in the skills of their existing workforce to meet a particular business need, but have shown a commitment to developing the Somerset workforce of the future.
Having spoken with the award organisers, at the Somerset Chamber of Commerce, we know we were up against a huge number of companies so we are delighted to get this far. Next step is the judge’s visit within the next couple of weeks!
Why do we do it? Well, One Step Foundation was established by One Step Recruitment in 2012 and is run as a not-for-profit organisation to widen the reach of our work with schools, preparing students to enter the work place. One Step supports lots of students in this super county, including those in more rural areas, those from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or with learning needs, helping to release their talent. We work closely with local schools and colleges entirely free of charge, providing mentoring, help with building a CV, interview practice and social skills advice – all in readiness for starting work.
To top it off we also host the South West’s largest Somerset Skills and Careers Fair, which this year is looking to be the biggest and most interactive fair YET on 12th October at The Venue @J24, North Petherton.
Full information about the Somerset Business Awards can be found here: and details of the Careers Fair can be found here:
We will keep you updated!