Celebrations all round!

Celebrations all round!

The team here at One Step would like to congratulate two of our Consultants, Sophie and Emma, who both received a well deserved DISTINCTION in their exam! For the past... read more

REC Member Forum

Our Consultants Dan Cooke and Nathan Gibson had the pleasure of being invited, and attending the REC Member Forum: CEO Spotlight On South West Region. A highly engaging... read more
Events – Bar Work!

Events – Bar Work!

One Step Recruitment are proudly supplying a local sporting venue with experienced, presentable bar team throughout the Spring and Summer Months ahead! Should you be... read more
Sophie Meets Eeyore!

Sophie Meets Eeyore!

Sophie from our Chard branch went on a trip to Disneyland Paris, with her family last week! She had breakfast with the Disney characters, and says she would highly... read more
One Step Delivers!

One Step Delivers!

Our Consultants Daniel Cooke and Freddy Day attended Richard Huish College, to deliver a presentation to Level 3 Business students yesterday! Throughout the... read more