James Tuckett is back on ToneFM’s Job Show tonight from 6pm today covering the job seekers’ minefield that is SOCIAL MEDIA.
There has been plenty of advice over the years on how candidates can avoid the pitfalls of bad social media usage while job seeking.
However, with connectivity only increasing, a demographic shift to older generations engaging on social platforms and the fact that modern job seeking has becoming candidate dominant, having a savvy understanding of Social Media usage, and what modern employers include as part of their sourcing of fewer and fewer available candidates, goes a long way in making sure you’re best represented online.
James highlighted a few key things to remember when applying for work: “Everyone uses social media – where 5 years ago only a quarter of the UK work force polled as saying they use social media once a month, this has increased to nearly complete demographic and regional coverage. From news, to events, interests, relationships, birthdays and job seeking, social media platforms have become the largest source of information on people in the world. My advice is – think like an employer!
“Employers are aware that, legally, only certain social media factors can be considered when processing job applications – for instance, do dates of employment on your CV match your LinkedIn details – so making sure your basic social job seeking preferences match your CV are vital. It sounds simple, but is often overlooked”.
“Social Media has changed the whole job seeking environment – candidates have for a time been able to directly contact not only companies, but the decision makers in those companies. But be aware – being complacent about your job seeking, or trying to shoehorn your way into a role via a direct message on Facebook or LinkedIn will not get you a job. Consider the process, be patient and courteous and remember to think like an employer!”
“Privacy is more key than ever, in that candidates who are active online have a right to a private sphere of conversation – but employers like nothing more than seeing employees showing off their work place in a positive light, whether that’s office culture, a chef showing off his food on Instagram or a PT remarking on client improvement!”
“But it can work both ways – be conscious of how and where you comment. Remember the basics: if you take work grievances online, employers can see it, and candidates should avoid setting a negative or destructive social media presence in relation to work”.
“Candidates should be aware that if your social media profiles across multiple accounts are public, and if employers can find you, so can customers, or clients, or businesses you might be working for. So be wise in making sure your work, and your private life, are separate – For your own privacy and data protections’ sake and remember – 95% of employers will search your social media profiles to check key employment details as part of the recruitment process”.
Recruitment via social media is becoming increasingly important to clients and candidates, but there are many modern pitfalls both clients and candidates should consider – be careful, be smart, be aware of your rights, and be aware that a well maintained, safe and careful social presence is a fantastic benefit to your job search!
Tune into ToneFM on 107.8 FM tonight from 6pm to hear James in full!