This week we’re proudly providing Temporary Care Staff to a local Care company: this represents not only progress in the quality and nature of Care provision from One Step, but is a well timed extra boost to the local Care community at a time when every extra pair of hands makes a huge difference.

Our Care division provides Permanent AND Temporary Care Staff, across all levels, in Somerset and beyond, and this 360 degree model of recruiting is proving to be incredibly needed from a local, independent recruiter who have been supporting businesses for 20 years.

During these uncertain and unprecedented times, dutiful and diligent Care staff will be leaned on to help the most vulnerable, especially in Somerset where our elderly and retired communities are growing. We can proudly say we’re now part of that caring community.

For any and all information on how we help Care staff into work, and how we support local Care companies, get in touch with our Care Consultant Jaydene on 01823 250025, or email
