One Step Recruitment is working in partnership with Inspired to Achieve (i2a) (a subsidiary of Yarlington Housing Group), to support the residents into employment.
As part of their employment provision i2a run a 5 week “Getting into work” course.
The first programme began Monday 5th October-2nd November, and has proven extremely successful with the participants, advising the course was “confidence boosting, friendly, inspiring, encouraging, helpful and fun!”
As a result Deanna Hughes our Yeovil consultant has already placed a resident from the course into employment!
This followed with some fantastic feedback from i2a’s Employment Manager Lee-Anne Hodges stating “Deanna withheld the upmost professionalism in representing One Step and the service provided to clients.”
Lee-Anne added “I was impressed with the respect and understanding Deanna showed our residents and after my own personal experience in the recruitment sector, I was particularly impressed with how Dee stressed her priority was to support residents into their choice of sector.”
At the end of the 5 week programme Inspired to Achieve and One Step help the residents secure employment with i2a providing ‘in-work support’.
One Step Recruitment wanted to join forces with Inspired to Achieve as we feel strongly about providing our candidates the right tools to be successful in the working world, from CV advice to interview training.
This ethos is extended to our annual Somerset Careers Fair run by our Operation Managers Chris Kimmins via the One Step Foundation.
If you are a Yarlington resident and you are interested in attending the next ‘Getting into Work’ course please call Inspired to Achieve on 01935 404075 or email or contact your One Step Recruitment Consultant.