One Step Recruitment was at the front line of Tiverton Job fair to help the 200+ employees of Broad Oak who were made redundant last week.
‘’It was incredible to be able help the community when they really did need our services the most’’ said Samantha Garner, Marketing Assistant.
The local MP, council and BBC news were in attendance, who wanted to ease the worry and provide a solution to the hundreds of ex-employees desperate for work- some of who have been without a pay day for over 5 weeks!
‘’As a free service to help candidates get into work, with the help of our specialised consultants, I was proud to represent One Step Recruitment that day knowing that the information and service to help the ex-employees of Broad Oak was made available to all who needed it’’, said Samantha.
Samantha added ‘’I provided as much of our information and tips I had the time for and explained exactly what type of roles we have. I even advised a few people to have the confidence to try an entire career direction now they are at a cross roads in their life!
It felt like we had truly done a service to the 200+ ex-employees, and hand on heart wish them all the best in the future.
Click the link for BBC spotlight coverage of the event.