We are proud to announce that James Tuckett has been invited to be an Industry Representative for the Exam Awarding Committee at the REC!
Through our relationship with the REC as an advocate, James built a strong relationship with our account manager and with James’ experience in education and within awarding and reviewing apprenticeship applications, he was invited to join the Exam Awarding Committee.
His role will include quarterly visits to the REC in London to gather feedback from previous exams, review exam procedures and dispensations, review statistics across exams, review papers all for Level 3 Cert in Rec Practice and Level 4 diploma in Recruitment Management, and recommend pass marks for relevant papers.
His elevation to his position has also been based on his ownership of our in-house mentorship programme – making sure our staff are legislatively up to date and working diligently within strict recruitment guidelines – and his long standing relationship and understandings of recruitment and the recruitment industry.
James’s dedication to his craft has been something we’ve always been proud of, and our clients have benefited from his in depth guidance. This representative role only goes to bolster his position as an industry leader in his field.
Well done James!